Lunes, Marso 7, 2011

"One Desire"

"God will make away"

Life being a student ! ! !

             Life being a student is not easy as what I've experience but if you believe that you can do it, it's not difficult to be overcome for. 

             As a student, the more you pursue the more it will be true. The stage of being a student is what we can say it is challengeable part for those who have an a dreams to be true or goal to be reach and make it successful one. This the time that student experience the life that they can more learned what is life brings for, they will encountered many temptation, struggles, how to be independent in case of school concern, they learned on how to handle the situation being happened. They can express their attitude on how they can fellowship to others to enhance their companionship and friendship in the same time. This is the time of a student build a strong motivation in life and mold more matured responsibility stock on their list that must be done, being think for the better future ahead and plant the goal that must be risk.

               Nowadays, the life of student is more exciting specially when the situation being discussed is talk about the romances portion of their life.

Huwebes, Marso 3, 2011

Habie 's!!!

   Do you have a favorite and habies?? there's a lot of favorites/habies in kind. One of my habie is to listening music and I like to listened are those songs that have an meaningful lyrics for the friends, dreams, struggles in life, couragement with inspiration and admiration for the situation being have, and also meaningful lyrics for the love...nakzzzz... But, I didn't say that problems was fade when I got already played the songs(music), But it's a little thing that makes me fine and comfort from the lyrics of the songs I had to listen.,,.I love music but music never ever love me,huhuhu so sad... collecting pictures of friends is one of my habie, keeping letters from my admirers before and even the letter of my good friends and special someone too.


       There is a time that I want to be silent in every way I want, no one can disturb me specially when I got set at one side and hold the pen and a piece of paper, when the time you saw me like that I just either I paint or draw what I like to do, sometimes I'm just writing a poem and a diary for what I did for the day and for what happen to me that make me smile or make me anger for that memorable moment in my life.

       Habie's make you know even a little things you've done for!!!

"Love - love"

            Sometimes love is unfair...sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. But even if you don't win, just keep on loving again because love is not a mistake but it is a lesson for us to learn and make it better than before.
And take note never ever search for love, let love search you because if you pursue it to make it yours, it will never be yours. Love is always there, it didn't go away. It only find the exact way and time for it need is to wait the right time to make it yours.


          Love is not enough to make someone yours,you need someone  who is gonna there for you all the time, someone who could treat you a better you, who could see you true, even someone says goodbye but still be there for you.
Because love is like a shoe.. you can't walk without the other pair. If you lose your pair and your with another shoe, it doesn't feel right and everything sames wrong.

         If you think you have the perfect person and you make a good pair, take care of it because you may never find someone who will be willing to walk with you for the rest of your life.


Miyerkules, Marso 2, 2011

Something about Me!

Hello, a pleasant day!

       By the way I am Welna Deocampo Borlado, 20 years of age. A daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Welson and Anna Borlado a residence of Barangay Guinbi-alan, Maayon, Capiz. I am the younger child of the family and I have (1) sister and only (1) brother.

       For my education background, I finished my Elementary grade at Tuburan Elementary School in the year 2003, and  I continued my secondary level at Tuburan Natonal High School in the year 2007.

By this time I am a student of Hercor College, Roxas City, taking a course of Bachelor of Computer Scince Ladderized (2 years). I am a Baptist in religion and I was glad to enrolled at Hercor College because they have a group of students that are promoting the word of "GOD" and fearing faculty and staff. I am one of the member of the said group which is Soldiers of Jesus Christ or well known as SOJC in the school campus. This group of students was under authorized by the school president and owner of the school and being supported of the children of the school president in the same time.

      This school year I so post to be graduated!